Friday, December 13, 2013

Going to College Letter


I can't believe you're already going to college! You're making me feel so old and I don't appreciate it. Even though I know you'll make it through the next four years just fine, I have some advice that could help you survive the college experience.

To address the number one problem you're going to face, you need to make friends. It's abundantly clear that you're not exactly a joyful person. You're aggressive ora isn't the most welcoming attribute and you need to try to change that. People are not going to try hard to be your friend so you need to make the effort. Be friendly and talk to the people you meet. The first few weeks of school are essential for making friends, and I don't want you to miss out on the wonders of college because you're always alone. Also, I don't want you calling me everyday because you don't have friends. There's a small window of time in college where no one knows anyone and everyone is looking to make friends. Don't miss that window!

Although I didn't start getting involved until my junior year, I strongly urge you to do something! Intramural sports are so much fun and they allow you to make a fool of yourself with your friends. Let's not forget that I've been a part of TWO champion intramural teams. You're always looking to show me up, so here's your chance! Additionally, you're going to get fat if you don't do anything. You like to munch too much and you really are going to gain the freshman fifteen if you're not active. I don't want a fat sister so watch your weight! I'm not kidding.

I know you're already concerned with your grades, but I'm going to reiterate the importance of doing well in college. Your GPA is what's going to get you hired or get you into grad school. Don't procrastinate and study your butt off. Remember when I said my classes were easy my freshman year? They don't stay like that for long. Engineering is one of the most rigorous majors available and it's going to get difficult as college progresses. Appreciate the easy classes and develop good study habits for the hard classes to come. I know the engineers are always nerdy, but so are you. Make a solid group of friends in your major to work on assignments with because you're going to need the help at some point.

You've always had an over-crowded schedule and college is going to be a whole new world for you. You're going to have an abundance of free time and the relief is going to feel amazing, especially for you. Enjoy the freedom, but don't just sit in your room and do nothing. Hang out with your new friends, explore whatever can be explored, and have fun. College is an amazing experience if you make it one, so make it one! I know you're going to do well no matter what you do so just do something.

Love you!


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